2025 GDYB By-Laws

Opening Statement:

Welcome to the Gilbert Dixie Youth Baseball (GDYB) By-Laws for the 2025 season. This document outlines the rules, regulations, and guidelines that govern our league, ensuring a fair, safe, and enjoyable experience for all participants. Our mission is to promote the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and community involvement through the game of baseball. We appreciate your commitment to upholding these standards and contributing to the success of our league.



The GDYB By-Laws 2025 document offers comprehensive guidance on various aspects of league operations, including:

  1. General League Guidance:
    • Approval processes for purchases and reimbursements.
    • Game scheduling and facility usage policies.
    • Age requirements and exceptions for player participation.
    • Requirements for league staff, coaches, and volunteers, including background checks and training.
  1. Board Member Election and Membership:
    • Procedures for general membership and election of the Board of Directors.
    • Nomination, election, and term of service for board members.
    • Voting rights and procedures for annual elections.
  1. Team Selection and Draft:
    • Guidelines for selecting and drafting players, including special provisions for siblings and late registrations.
    • Procedures for player evaluations and draft order.
  1. Practice, Game Play, and Game Rules:
    • Scheduling and length of practices.
    • Game play rules, including scoring, record keeping, and minimum player requirements.
    • Policies for guest players, tie games, and weather-related postponements.
  1. All-Star Selection:
    • Criteria and procedures for selecting All-Star players and coaches.
    • Fees and requirements for All-Star participation.
  1. Coaching Code of Conduct and Rule Adoptions:
    • Expectations for coaches' behavior and responsibilities.
    • Specific rule adoptions for different divisions, such as Rookie Ball.
  1. Charitable Organization Status:
    • Information on the league's status as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and procedures for asset distribution upon dissolution.


Section 1: General League Guidance

1.      Purchases: Any purchases of league equipment or supplies over $500 must be approved by the GDYB Board, as a majority vote. All purchases under $500 must receive approval of league treasurer prior to purchase. All purchases must be accompanied by a valid itemized payment receipt to be considered for reimbursement. All league mandated meetings, training, travel, or other mandatory attendance required event will be paid by the league and reimbursed upon completion of event and proof of payment provided. Canteen purchases can be up to $1000 without approval and should only be made by the Canteen manager, Treasurer, President, or Vice President (in the absence of President or Treasurer, only). All other canteen purchase requests can be made to the Canteen manager for review.

2.      Game Scheduling: Game schedules will be set so that all Dixie Youth and Dixie Boys requirements are met. Any changes that are made to the schedules must be approved by the GDYB Board.

3.      Facility Usage: All usages of facilities and fields will be determined by the GDYB Board and availability will be determined based on needs of the league and is subject to change without prior notice. Priority is to be given to registered affiliate teams during sanctioned season dates, and post season dates for spring All-Star preparation. Non-Affiliated facility usage will be determined based on 1) Lexington County dictated requests, 2) Organizations that have standing agreement with the GDYB, 3) have a paid contract with LCRAC or GDYB.

4.      Age Requirements: Maximum age limits are set forth in Dixie Youth and Dixie Boys. Maximum age requirements must be met before May 1 of the playing season.

a.      Exceptions – Exceptions to this rule can be requested to the GDYB board for review. These exceptions would disqualify the player from any post season participation if allowed.

b.      Qualifying Exceptions: Physical or mental abilities that prevent a player from participating in events in their age qualified division. There will be no penalty assessed against the assigned team if player is approved.

5.      League Staff and Coach Requirements: All coaches, umpires, and volunteers associated with GDYB must complete a National Background Check Form and be cleared by Lexington County’s Recreation and Aging Commission prior to taking the field. See Child Abuse/Molestation Policy. In addition, all coaches, umpires, and volunteers must complete concussion awareness training prior to season start. Links to all training can be found on GDYB and SCDYB website.

a.      GDYB - https://app.teampass.com/GilbertDYB/

b.      SCDYB - https://dybusa.org/DYB_South_Carolina/

6.      Coach Eligibility: All coaches must have completed and approved BIB background check before being approved by the board prior to season start. The following factors will be considered, but not limited to, knowledge of the game, motivation, experience, character, and the ability to get along with others.

a.      Background Check Reimbursement: Beginning August 1st, 2025, GDYB will reimburse coaches for background checks upon successful completion and approval from the investigating agency. To be eligible for reimbursement, coaches are to submit their approved background checks to their division Commissioner for review by GDYB board. After review, reimbursements will be made by the GDYB treasurer.

7.      Coach Disqualification: Coaches that are unable to abide by outlined league and state rules, game rules, player safety guidelines, and conduct themselves in accordance with fair play standards are subject to disciplinary actions, team penalties, and potential removal from the league. All disciplinary actions are to be review by the board prior to any statements or actions are taken to coaching staff. All infractions must be fact based and have supporting evidence submitted for review by GDYB. All persons associated with the league as a player, parent, family member, coach or fan can submit feedback for review on the league website.

8.      No pets shall be allowed on the premises immediately before, during, or immediately after any league function including games, practices, or special events.

9.      All tobacco, nicotine, and nicotine-related products are banned from public areas where players and families are present.


Section 2: Board Member Election and Membership

1.      General membership and Election of the Board of Directors shall be as follows:

a.      Membership: The general membership of GDYB shall consist of the Board of Directors, the approved coaches, and all parents/guardians from each team.

b.      Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall consist of up to 15 members. At the time of the Annual Election vacant seats on the Board will be filled by a simple majority of the vacancies being those of members elected by the general membership. The remaining vacancies, at the discretion of the Board, may be filled by nominated members being appointed by the Board (i.e., having 5 vacant seats means 3 seats filled by popular election; 2 seats may be filled by Board appointees at the Board’s discretion).

c.      Nomination Procedure: Nomination forms shall be provided. The person placing the nomination shall have a child actively playing for GDYB. Each nominee must be approved by the Board prior to the date of the annual election.

d.      Nomination: A nominee must receive at least 10% of the votes counted in the general election to be considered eligible for membership. The election will be conducted on the date of closing ceremonies.

e.      Term of Service: Each member of the Board shall serve a term of 3 years, at which time the individual may be re-elected by the general membership or re-appointed by the Board.

f.        Annual Election: An election shall be held annually for the purpose of electing new Board members. The election shall be held at the time established by the Board. The Board will announce the date and time of election prior to the established date.

g.       Voting procedures: On the date established for annual election, a table will be set up where voting may take place or online if available.

h.      Voting rights: Each person included in the general membership shall be allowed to cast one ballet only.

i.        No member who is a head coach shall be Commissioner of the league in which he/she coaches.

j.        Members of the Board will fill positions to include but not limited to, Executive Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary), League Commissioners, equipment manager, safety officer, ordering uniforms, scheduling, events and volunteer coordination, etc.

k.       Board members are expected to attend all meetings. Missing 3 consecutive meetings can result in dismissal from the Board.

l.        Board meetings will be scheduled on an as-needed basis to oversee necessary business of the League.


Section 3: Team Selection and Draft

  1. Regular season head coaches may pick one assistant, with the assistant’s approval, prior to the draft.
  2. Parents/guardians have the option to no-pick one coach. This request must be made in writing/online at the time of registration with a brief explanation. If any coach receives three or more “no picks,” the coach will be reviewed by the Board.
  3. Player Draft:
    1. By written request, any league player may ask to move up to the next league early. To do so, the child will have to be evaluated by previous league coaches and must have a unanimous vote to be placed in the next league for talent by a coach’s recommendation and approved by the Board. If the child is chosen to move up early, the child is only eligible to play All-Stars for the league in which they played during the regular season.
    2. Siblings will be assigned to the same team. When one is drafted, the other will count as a pick in the round voted appropriate by all coaches and the Commissioner of the division. If a consensus cannot be reached on the appropriate round, the Commissioner will have the final say.
    3. All players must be registered by their draft time. If a player registers following the player draft established by the Board, the player may, if an open roster position exists in that Division, be placed on a team per DYB Rules and Regulations, which state all teams with the fewest number of players shall have the right to draw for the player. Registering late does not grant the player an automatic position on any team.
    4. Any player not participating in the try-outs will be placed on a team through a blind draw conducted during the Draft.
    5. Selection:

                                                              i.       All players, including children of the head and assistant coaches, in each age Division will try out together.

                                                             ii.      They will throw, field, and hit (5-8 pitches to be pitched by pitching machine or coach).

                                                           iii.      A list of all available players will be given to each head coach with an asterisk by the previous year's All-Stars.

                                                           iv.      Parents desiring to assist will also be listed.

                                                             v.      The children of each team’s head coach and assistant coach will be voted upon to decide which round of the draft they will be chosen.

                                                           vi.      If a unanimous vote of the coaches cannot be attained, the Commissioner will make the final decision(s).

                                                         vii.      No child of a coach will be shown in the first round, as all teams will be given a first-round draw.

                                                        viii.      Player selection sequence shall be in the predetermined order alternating ascending to descending (1,2,3,4…4,3,2,1). Exception: If there is only one team with a draw in any given round, the draft order will not reverse. This is to maintain an equitable order.

    1. The draft procedure will be followed in all leagues for both Dixie Youth and Dixie Boys/Majors.
    2. Head coaches and one assistant coach are allowed to be present during the actual player draft. If the head coach is not available, they can select an assistant to take their place.
    3. No players or children will be allowed in the coach’s room during the draft.
  1. Player Retention: Beginning on a Head coaches shall be allowed to retain players on a spring-to-spring basis. This rule does not apply to fall season, where all players will be drafted as free agents.

Section 4: Practice, Game Play, and Game Rules


1.      Prior to season games beginning, each team shall schedule a minimum of 2 practices per week and will be chosen at the time of team draft.  Optional practices may be scheduled on Weekends on a first come, first served basis. Practices will follow division guidelines outlined in the Practice length section below.

2.      Once games have started, 1 practice can be scheduled each week based on the coach and field availability. These practices can be scheduled any day of the week, within the given time constraints outline for each division.

3.      Practice length will be as follows:

a.      Wee-Ball – 30-45mins

b.      Rookie Ball – 90 mins

c.      Coaches Pitch – 90mins (maximum of 120mins)

d.      Minors/Ozone – 120 mins

Game Play

1.      The Season:

a.      The Rookie Ball, Coaches Pitch, Minors, and O’Zone divisions will be divided into two sub-seasons, each consisting of an equal number of games.

b.      The division champion will be decided by the combined record of the first and second halves. If there are different winners for each half of the season, a championship game will be held to decide the overall season champion.

2.      Game Time Limits:

a.      Game Length:

                                                              i.      Wee-Ball – 30mins

                                                             ii.      Rookie Ball – 60 mins

                                                           iii.      Coaches Pitch – 75 mins

                                                           iv.      Minors/Ozone – 90 mins

3.      Scoring: For all regular season games, the home team will provide one volunteer to run the scoreboard for their assigned game. The scoreboard operator will be provided one meal from the concession stand during or, directly, after their scheduled game time.

4.      Record Keeping: Rookie ball, Coaches Pitch, Minors, and O’Zone are required to maintain a scoring log for all games and must be maintained through the entire season.

a.      It is the responsibility of all coaches to ensure that games are scored accurately and reconciled with the umpire and opposing coach prior to leaving the ballpark.

                                                              i.      All scoring or stat disputes will be addressed by the division commission and then by the GDYB for any escalations.

                                                             ii.      The Division commissioner and GDYB will have final authority to resolve all disputes.

                                                           iii.      Appeals can be made beginning 24 hours after ruling has been delivered.

b.      It is the responsibility of the winning coach to enter the score of their played game into TeamPass for record keeping.

c.      It is the responsibility of the Head Coach of the team to ensure that statistics are kept for all games and must include the following:

                                                              i.      Coaches Pitch/Rookie Ball

1.      Final Score

2.      Innings Played

3.      Player At bats

4.      Batting Average/On-Base Percentage

5.      Hits

6.      Strike Outs

7.      Runs Scored

                                                            ii.      Minors/O’Zone (in addition to the above)

1.      Innings Pitched

2.      Games Pitched

3.      Batters Faced

4.      Total Pitches

5.      Walks

6.      Strikeouts

7.      Runs Allowed

d.      A player must take part in a minimum of 11 of the scheduled games to be considered for All-Star selection.

e.      Player statistics must be kept on all players and will be used to decide eligibility for All-Star selection.

f.        All player statistics must be sent electronically to the GDYB Board for review and approval prior to All-Star player selection. No final stats will be accepted in written form.

                                                              i.      If stats are kept using a paper book, they must be transposed to an electronic format and sent with copies of paper books kept.

5.      Minimum Number of Players Requirement: If a team does not field the required number of players at the scheduled game time, the team will forfeit the game.

a.      Minimum Players by Division

                                                              i.      Wee-Ball – No minimum


Gilbert Dixie Youth Baseball

PO Box 29
Gilbert, SC 29954

Contact Us - Gilbert Dixie Youth Baseball

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